Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Current obsessions...

I must admit, I have an obsessive personality. I find something I like and either wear it every day, pine for it ever day, watch it every day or use it every day! These are some of the things I have currently constantly in my thoughts..... MY NEW FAVOURITE POLISH: CHANEL 'JUNE'
Perfect every day colour (matches my ring beautifully too! hehehe)

MY NEW WOOD BLOCK CALENDAR: TYPO Loving this, except I must admit sometimes the blocks stay on the same date for a couple of days in a row.. I'm forgetful!!!

PRETZELS & POPCORN: Yummy snacks Seriously. I realised after I looked into the bottom of the empty pretzel bag that I need help. I was CRAVING these all day. Then devoured them. Embarrassing.

LULU: MY CAT My parents laugh at me because they think I'm more excited to see her at the end of the day than to see them. I am. Why is that funny?


THIS PHONE: I WANT IT I have no idea where to get this but I want it. Now.
There will be more obsessions next week I'm sure. I'll keep you posted. Love, Angie. L

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